Realtek PHY chip - 데이터시트
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겸사겸사 간단한 설명도 스크랩
Single-Port 10/100M Fast Ethernet PHYceiver | | General Description | The RTL8201BL is a single-port PHYceiver with an MII (Media Independent Interface). It implements all 10/100M Ethernet Physical-layer functions including the Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS), Physical Medium Attachment (PMA), Twisted Pair Physical Medium Dependent Sublayer (TP-PMD), 10Base-Tx Encoder/Decoder and Twisted Pair Media Access Unit (TPMAU). A PECL interface is supported to connect with an external 100Base-FX fiber optical transceiver. The chip is fabricated with an advanced CMOS process to meet low voltage and low power requirements.